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Stand Your Ground – A Thought Provoking Session on Anti-Asian Microaggressions

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Event Details

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CT 

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Admission: Members: $10  I  Non-members: $20


Have you ever received a statement that you thought was a microaggression? Has anyone ever called you a name or referenced a stereotype that you did not recognize in the moment? Do you wish you’d said something different or something at all?


If your answer to any of these questions was “yes,” then you need to join Ascend Midwest’s upcoming event, “Stand Your Ground” – a session for Asian professionals and allies to both recognize microaggressions and practice your responses to them. 

Our 60-minute virtual session on April 25 will teach you about the eight types of anti-Asian microaggressions, the six modalities of response, and will create focused opportunities for you to figure out how you want to respond. 





Aaron Fung is a deeply experienced DEIB professional, coach, and former human capital consultant whose work experience transcends many names in the corporate world, including Pinterest, Deloitte Consulting, LinkedIn, and other large organizations. He runs InclusionAF, a speaking and DEIB business focused on bringing inclusion awareness into organizations. 

Program Partner

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